project: website
website: "Thomas Lab home page"
left- href: posts/index.qmd
: Blog
html: cosmo theme
August 19, 2024
Review this post:
2024-06-12 Adding a blog to your existing Quarto website https://samanthacsik.github.io/posts/2022-10-24-quarto-blogs/
Quarto is an extension of the Rmarkdown ecosystem. It leverages the power of knitr
and pandoc,
providing a number of useful additional tools for literate programming, report generation and blogging.
I’m using quarto for my lab’s home page with an embedded blog. (focusonR.org
This post will describe some of the core components We’ll start with a minimal setup to provide some orientation.
The recommended method from the Quarto
documentation initiate a blog, say qblog
, is to run the command quarto create-project
in your ~/shr
blog development directory. Note: Quarto types
include blogs, websites, manuscripts, books, etc.
This command generates a project folder ~/shr/qblog
with the following structure:
|-- _quarto.yml
|-- about.qmd
|-- index.qmd
|-- posts/
| |-- _metadata.yml
| |-- post-with-code/
| | |-- image.jpg
| | `-- index.qmd
| `-- welcome/
| |-- index.qmd
| `-- thumbnail.jpg
|-- profile.jpg
`-- styles.css
Note: A quarto blog can be much more elaborate than this template, but it can also be further minimized
To start blogging the next steps are:
file adding content, e.g. using vim
. vim index.qmd
Before we go any further let’s examine the basic elements of the site. The framework for a quarto blog can be quite minimal. For example the following subset of files is sufficient for a useful blog:
with file contents:
Minimal blog presents as the following:
When run the first time the quarto
engine generates a web site in the directory _site
. This site contains CSS
code as defined by the theme
command in the _quarto.yml
mcanouil/awesome-quarto: A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles
Consider some ideas from
Rob Hyndman - Template of quarto website
Eric Ekholm - Modifying the Default Quarto Blog Structure
Allison Hill - We don’t talk about Quarto
Nick Tierney - Notes on Changing from Rmarkdown/Bookdown to Quarto
Samantha Csik * Creating your personal website using Quarto
2024-06-12 [ Adding a blog to your existing Quarto website ] ( https://samanthacsik.github.io/posts/2022-10-24-quarto-blogs/ )
author = {(Ryy) Glenn Thomas, Ronald},
title = {Setting up a Minimal {Quarto} Blog},
date = {2024-08-19},
url = {https://focusonr.org/posts/setupquarto},
langid = {en}