Setting up a minimal Quarto blog


August 19, 2024


1 Introduction

Review this post:

2024-06-12 Adding a blog to your existing Quarto website

Quarto is an extension of the Rmarkdown ecosystem. It leverages the power of knitr and pandoc, providing a number of useful additional tools for literate programming, report generation and blogging.

I’m using quarto for my lab’s home page with an embedded blog. (

This post will describe some of the core components We’ll start with a minimal setup to provide some orientation.

The recommended method from the Quarto documentation initiate a blog, say qblog, is to run the command quarto create-project in your ~/shr blog development directory. Note: Quarto types include blogs, websites, manuscripts, books, etc.

 quarto create-project qblog --type website:blog

This command generates a project folder ~/shr/qblog with the following structure:

|-- _quarto.yml
|-- about.qmd
|-- index.qmd
|-- posts/
|   |-- _metadata.yml
|   |-- post-with-code/
|   |   |-- image.jpg
|   |   `-- index.qmd
|   `-- welcome/
|       |-- index.qmd
|       `-- thumbnail.jpg
|-- profile.jpg
`-- styles.css

Note: A quarto blog can be much more elaborate than this template, but it can also be further minimized

To start blogging the next steps are:

  • cd to ~/shr/qblog/posts/
  • for the post, create a new directory, say sample_post
  • cd to ~/shr/qblog/posts/sample_post
  • create and edit a index.qmd file adding content, e.g. using vim. vim index.qmd

Before we go any further let’s examine the basic elements of the site. The framework for a quarto blog can be quite minimal. For example the following subset of files is sufficient for a useful blog:

|-- _quarto.yml
|-- index.qmd
`-- posts
    |-- index.qmd
    `-- sample_post.qmd

with file contents:

  type: website
  title: "Thomas Lab home page"
      - href: posts/index.qmd
        text: Blog
    theme: cosmo
title: "Thomas lab"

**Director: Professor Ronald G. Thomas**<br>
School of Public Health<br>
UC, San Diego<br>
La Jolla, California

Focused on new and useful data science technologies.
title: "Blog"
listing: default
title: "First post"

# Introduction

    Minimal text for first post. 

2 Results

Minimal blog presents as the following:

When run the first time the quarto engine generates a web site in the directory _site. This site contains CSS code as defined by the theme command in the _quarto.yml file.

3 Appendix

mcanouil/awesome-quarto: A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles

Consider some ideas from



BibTeX citation:
  author = {(Ryy) Glenn Thomas, Ronald},
  title = {Setting up a Minimal {Quarto} Blog},
  date = {2024-08-19},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
(Ryy) Glenn Thomas, Ronald. 2024. “Setting up a Minimal Quarto Blog.” August 19, 2024.